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Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got.

 :: corbeille V1 (forum privé)
Sawyer E. Charleston

Sawyer E. Charleston
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_mk3viasGSP1r1mnd9o2_250
23 ans

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Mer 29 Juil 2015 - 21:19

Sawyer Eliott Charleston

Nom de naissance ici. date de naissance date (ville, pays). âge ici. état civilici. orientation sexuelle ici. activité professionnelle ici. groupe ici. avatarici.
❝ citation citation citation ❞

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

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Sawyer E. Charleston

Sawyer E. Charleston
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_mk3viasGSP1r1mnd9o2_250
23 ans

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Mer 29 Juil 2015 - 21:20

❝ citation citation citation ❞
But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?
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Wyatt Blackburn

Wyatt Blackburn
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_n7a0pkWXey1rk5covo5_250
30 ans

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Mer 29 Juil 2015 - 21:35

Le plus beau Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 295870619 le petit homme de ma vie Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 595018845
Bon à la base j'ai pas le droit de sortir Willow tant que la fiche d'Austin est pas validée mais elle est trop loooongue et puis je fais ce que je veux Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1276149765 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 2738865860 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 2383590742

J'ai hâte de voir ce que vous allez nous faire Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1013165484 puis Willow elle va encourager petit Sawyer à s'affirmer Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 2657915843

bébé Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 673399821

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_nqq8tljv9E1rxkzk5o4_250

/me le bisoute tout plein Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1395808586

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_nebj0zdsWb1rxkzk5o1_250
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Sawyer E. Charleston

Sawyer E. Charleston
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_mk3viasGSP1r1mnd9o2_250
23 ans

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Jeu 30 Juil 2015 - 0:57

Willow I. Charleston a écrit:

/me le bisoute tout plein Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1395808586

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_nebj0zdsWb1rxkzk5o1_250

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3993888427 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3993888427 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3993888427 Il est trop cute, je m'auto Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3733579727 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3733579727 si je pouvais !!!! Merciiiii ma soeurette, c'est nous les plus beaux (avec notre grand frère Nico parti en Finlande à la pêche à l'ours brun (ykwim)... Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 170571320 )

T'as intérêt de me soutenir parce que Mia n'a d'yeux que pour James (la preuve, moi elle m'accueille pas la garce, déjà elle ne juge que par le physique tsais, l'appel des hormones encore... Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3213410380 ), je compte sur toi pour attaquer le steak ! Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3573806628 Je crois en toi petite soeur ! Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 673399821
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Wyatt Blackburn

Wyatt Blackburn
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_n7a0pkWXey1rk5covo5_250
30 ans

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Jeu 30 Juil 2015 - 1:19

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_n5ikoy8MYO1r6izw4o5_r1_250

Il nous embrasse du fin fond de sa Finlande Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 295870619 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 4089121786

Non mais clairement, elle mérite même pas de toucher un Charleston Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 213198184 Alors que l'âme de Sawyer est toute parfaite, elle préfère monsieur muscles Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 170571320 Du coup Willow va se sacrifier pour lui prouver que c'est pas un mec pour elle Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3165128090 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 2991290185 mais c'est vraiment parce qu'elle tient beaucoup à son frère et qu'elle veut lui rendre service Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 2383590742
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Zachary S. Davenport

Zachary S. Davenport
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_ne4hdfW5CE1ssc1j5o1_500
vingt-trois ans.

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Jeu 30 Juil 2015 - 1:53

Famille de traitres ou pas famille de traitres ? Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1682160843
J'aime pas les traitres Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1349064951
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Naomie Carter

Naomie Carter
23 ans.

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Jeu 30 Juil 2015 - 14:44


J'uis mourue. Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3091631050 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3091631050
Mon dieuuuu du ciel. Tu m'as sortie le grand jeu avec un Nialler avec des lunettes de soleil, il m'a fallut au moins vingt minutes pour m'en remettre...
J'en peux plus de toi Mat' !! Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3514267268 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3514267268

Diiiis tu veux pas qu'on fasses des bébés ? Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3733579727 STEUPLAIIIIT Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1013165484
En plus j'uis arrivée avant Mia Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 2383590742 Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 295870619

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_static_exa2wwuhq9csogw4wkgwo08sw

(traduction : "Stacy je t'aime épouse moi." Oui tout ça dans un si petit gif.)
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James A. Fletcher

James A. Fletcher
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_nsj57mVlZz1u0zfdoo7_250
23 ans.

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Jeu 30 Juil 2015 - 14:53

Tu sais que t'es pas mal : Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 3514267268 :. Mais pas autant que moi Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 2383590742
Hâte de jouer avec vous ce super lien Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 1066046252
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Jules S. Kerr-Anderson

Jules S. Kerr-Anderson
Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Tumblr_inline_nn9lzhTeh01rpdlxb_500
25 ans

Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty
CE MESSAGE A ETE POSTE Sam 1 Aoû 2015 - 14:42

Non mais en fait, j'aurais le champ libre avec Austin, toutes les filles sont amoureuses d'autres Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 213198184 boooon, faut dire, c'est pas les plus moches quoiiiiiii.

Bébé Niall, mon petit homme Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 295870619

Bon, je sais pas qui est qui mais je crois qu'il va falloir qu'on apprenne à se connaître en trois mois Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. 213198184 #lostcommedhabitude
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Sawyer ► Up in my head I'm you're boyfriend, but that's one thing you've already got. Empty

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 :: corbeille V1 (forum privé)